Saturday 12 November 2016


Yesterday I felt very tired and as a result, quite down and unable to concentrate properly on my commissioned horse portrait.  Instead, I took my mind off the blues by painting this bear from one of the snaps I took through the web cams at Katmai National Park.  This photo was taken early one morning in the summer, when there was just one lone bear fishing in the water.  The colour had not yet come on the cameras as it was just dawn.  So I painted this using only Payne's Grey watercolour on paper.  It took several hours and I didn't feel any more cheerful after I'd finished but I did have a satisfactory painting at least!

1 comment:

BumbleVee said...

Hi Caroline

I went to the site and spent quite some time watching the bears... thanks. It's great fun. At the moment it is highlights as it says the live cam is not on yet... but,, lots of interesting footage to see....
